Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Bodybuilding Nutrition


        Post your answers to one or both of these questions:-

 1. What's the best piece of advice you've received since you started bodybuilding? Wether it be from a book,a training partner or just someone in the gym.

 2. What's the biggest bodybuilding mistake you've made since you started?

 I'll be updating blog with answers i get from emails and forums to go along with your answers!

                 If you look on the internet, T.V and magazines these days all you can see is adverts for the next miracle protein supplement or the 'best' energy drink on the planet, if you take these then you can gain 12lbs of lean muscle in a month. In truth today's society is getting programmed into a 'fast food' state of mind. Everybody seems to want results by 'next week' and if they're not getting them they either start to lose motivation or give up. It's vital to understand that nothing can be accomplished with this 'over night' attitiude. In order to succeed in bodybuilding,the old values of hard work and persistence are essential.
                If you want to gain muscle mass there is no quick fix, it's all about training and eating the right food. Eating right is a big part of the battle and the old saying 'you are what you eat' is 100% correct for a bodybuilder. Eating a diet which consists of junk food takes away your edge both physically and mentally. So in order to keep your fitness and health 'firing on all cylinders' you must fuel your body with the proper nutrients and not empty calories.
               Eggs and plant foods have lasted throughout history as one of nature's top sources of protein. As a guide to how powerful plant foods are, leaf green vegetables provide richer sources and a greater % of calcium than the milk you would buy in the grocery store.
               Eggs are rich source of protein and have been adapted for our modern needs. By using flaxseed in hen feed, eggs can also be a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. Whe comparing eggs fom a hen fed with flaxseed in it's feed there was over 6 times more omega 3 fatty acids than a normal egg. Also by adding vitamin E to the flaxseed it gives a 8 times higher vitamin E content than a normal egg, which is beneficial to our bodies and brains.
             Adding Plant Foods to our muscle building diet is very important as these are classed as 'superfoods.' An excellent source of protein and fiber are Legumes. Fiber helps keep energy and blood sugar levels stable, protein builds the muscle and they are a good source of complex carbs which gives long lasting energy for training.Legumes are great to have in salads, soups and stews and the most well known are chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, black beans, navy beans, lima beans and blac-eyed peas.
             Onions, garlic, leeks and chives are all Allium vegetables and are great for adding flavour to a bodybuilding diet. The benefits of garlic and other allium vegetables may come from their abundantcy in flavonoids, such as quercetin, and also from their sulfur-containing compounds. When uncooked Allium vegetables give more benefits and can be added to raw recipes like salads, soups, pizza and sandwiches.
              Almonds, Walnuts and Brazil nuts are another 'superfood' and consist of protein, vitamin E, Zinc, Pottassium, phosphorus, antioxidants and fiber and are great for an energy snack. Be careful not to over indulge on nuts, they offer great benefits but eating too many could see your calorie intake soar and if the energy isn't used your body will store it as fat.
            Eating cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and watercress are a good way of taking in micronutrients. These 'superfoods' can be a fantastic dietary weapon when trying to lose weight as they need more calories to be digested than they give. They're rich in phytonutrients and plant protein.
            These are a few of the 'superfoods' that should be added to a diet for bodybuilding nutrition. Working out in the gym puts tremendous demands on the body so adding these foods will help to maintain your health and promote natural strength.

                                                                              Diego from Oakland

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Post your answers to one or both of these questions:-

1. Whats the best piece of advice you've received since you started bodybuilding? Wether it be from a book,a training partner or just someone in the gym.

2. Whats the biggest bodybuilding mistake you've made since you started?

After your answers have been checked over they will be posted on