Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Front Dumbbell Raise - Exercise Explained Video Series


          Series of videos explaining how to perform bodybuilding exercises. In part 7 we are going to explain the single front dumbbell raise. Grip a single dumbbell using a hammer grip then place your other hand over the hand which is placed on the dumbbell. To execute the exercise, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bring the dumbbell up in front of the body to eye level with only a slight bend in the elbows. This movement isolates and builds the front shoulder muscles. When lifting try not to jerk the dumbbell up and down,do this by keeping the body still. If the dumbbell cannot be lifted by keeping the body still then it is too heavy and a lower weight is needed.

In these videos heavy weights will not be used as the emphasis is on explaination and correct form


For information on building more muscle with less weight CLICK HERE


1 comment:

  1. 1. Whats the best piece of advice you've received since you started bodybuilding? Wether it be from a book,a training partner or just someone in the gym.

    take enough rest after working out a muscle

    2. Whats the biggest bodybuilding mistake you've made since you started?

    trained my chest evry day even when it was sore



Post your answers to one or both of these questions:-

1. Whats the best piece of advice you've received since you started bodybuilding? Wether it be from a book,a training partner or just someone in the gym.

2. Whats the biggest bodybuilding mistake you've made since you started?

After your answers have been checked over they will be posted on